Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Goodbye 2014, Hello 2015

Well hello everyone! Today is New Year's Eve! Man has it been one hard year. I'm going to be honest and say this has been the worst year of my life. It started out horrible and I felt like it would never end. I'm hoping that 2015 will be the best year ever. I need some good in my life. To start I need to have some goals for the year. I say that every year but this year I think it will really help me. Here are my list of goals for the year 2015:

1. Take out the bad and bring in the good

So like I said this year hasn't been great but I learn that I need to take the toxic out of my life.Whether that is people or things. I need to start spreading my self with good people and things. 

2.  Not to worry so much

I have had anxiety my whole life, but this year it has turned to the worst. I started to have really bad anxiety attacks. I mean full on cry, its just awful. And they come at the worst times. I even had one during my history class. 

3. Be more active

So its no lye that I like to have my lovely netflix days with dunk food. Come on all of us have those days. But since this year I have have suffered threw depression it made it worse. I didnt feel like doing anything and I mean anything. The smallest task would make me so sad. So most of the summer I spent laying in bed with my cat watching Gossip Girl wishing I could be Serena van der Woodsen. Come on we all want her closet. So this year I want to do more active things. I also want to go out doors more. I know my friend Miranda and I were talking about hiking a lot this coming summer. Even going to the zoo would make this girl very happy.

4. Being a better friend

These past couple of months I have had some friend issues. I will say that no one is perfect, but I needed to get away from those problems. But I know that I need to be a better friend to the people who have been by my side during everything. 


To be honest, nothing makes me happier than youtube. Whether it is making videos or watching them. Im obsessed. I want to make more videos. I also really want to go to Vidicon or Playlist live. I want to interact with people who like the same things I like. 

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Those are just a couple of goals I have made for my self. I'm sure the list will grow and will shorten threw out the year. My main goal for the year is to know that even though there will be hard times threw out the year, its your own mind set that will make the year bad or amazing. I have started putting notes on mirrors and sticky notes all around my house to remind me that I can be happy if I choose to be.

I hope you guys have an amazing end of the year, but most importantly I hope that 2015 will be the best year you could have ever asked for. 

XOXO Stephanie

Thursday, December 25, 2014


Well it is that time of year again! Its officially Christmas Day! Where has the time gone? Seriously this Christmas just sunk up to me! thought I am sitting next to my tree writing this, it doesnt seem to feel like christmas. i dont know if its me getting older or just being sad about somethings going on it my life. Christmas was always a time of excitement for me. I would always get so excited to wake up on Christmas morning. I would go to bed super early to get up early, but now i find myself writing this at 2 am knowing i will probably sleep in. i just miss being a little kid. I miss the way Christmas was in 2000! it was so much more simpler. i dont want to make this blog post depressing, i just needed to pore my heart out about it. 

I hope you all have a Merry Christmas

XOXO  Stephanie

Monday, November 10, 2014

My Fall Look Book

Hey Yall! I have taking time this Fall season to really get an idea of my fashion sense during the fall. I think I have come up with some amazing styles.

Summer into Fall:
This look is so perfect if you are living in hotter regions. It still has the feel of fall but at the same time isn't going to make you have a heat stroke.
This look mixes in basics you should already have in your closet. Like a basic T-shirt, jean shorts, button up flannel, and a pair of sandals.

Sweater Weather:
This look is perfect for all those who are happen to be living in areas that are actually fall weather. I live in Tennessee and it have been getting in the 30s at night. During the day though the highs go you to 68. 
I LOVE scarfs during both fall and winter! They just make a look so much more textured and layered. plus its great for a bad hair day. Put your hair up in a bun with a big scarf and cute simple sweater. sooo cute.

I love cardigan sweaters. They give me the freedom to get to wear really anything but still keep the fall look.  

   I always get over sized sweaters! they just feel so much cozier and look so cute.

Stay Girly in Fall:
Im a girly girl. I love skirts and dresses. So finding cute fall looks to go with that make it so much better.
I LOVE tights like this! They just make ever simple outfit cuter.

 This is a really cute fancy look for fall! The blazer jacket still keeps the fall vibe but still look nice and clean.

I Love adding color! 


Well thats really it! I will being doing a blog post for hair and makeup coming up soon! And will be try and making some youtube videos about it! 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

New Video

Hey Yall!!!! 
I finally uploaded a new video! I filmed this at the end of April. I even had it edited and everything, but then life happened. I had very life changing things happen over the summer that really had me focused on family and most importantly myself. Any way its up! I did the TMI Tag. I had to take a few questions off because of the long time since filming it. I hope to be uploading at least once a week! 

More is coming! I promise!

Please Like, Favorite, and SUBSCRIBE!!!! 

Have a Magical Day!
