Friday, December 16, 2016

Well First Semester happened....

Well... That went by fast! It feels like yesterday I was tossing and turning in my bed because I was so anxious what is awaiting me the next morning. And now here I am, sitting on in the same bed wondering where the time went.

The first semester of college was honestly the hardest/most amazing experience of my whole life. A lot happened! Good and bad. But as they say, "It's not where you are, it's who you're with." This is very right. I have amazing friends who have become family to me. That's probably why the transition for me was so easy because I have a family at college now. I already miss them all so much, and I'm sad I won't see them for almost a month.

 It's been so nice to share this amazing experience with these amazing people. I believe that God has a plan for your like. Like it says in Jeremiah 29:11! And the last few years I have felt like I didn't have one. Though I still am very confused about what I want to do in life; I have a good support system to help me figure it out. 
Something that I don't like out Illinois is the cold and snow! IT'S WORSE THAN THEY EVER COULD HAVE TRIED TO EXPLAIN!!!!!!!!!!!! The picture above was from a recent trip we took to Chicago! Yea, I'm in leggings, jeans, two long sleeves, a sweatshirt, my heavy coat, A scarf (I borrowed from my friend Lauren), gloves, winter headband, two pairs of fuzzy socks, and sorrell boots. I was still cold. And guys..... It's just going to get worse! I better cherish the time I have in the 40s and 30s in Nashville while I can. 

Well, I want to say more, but I have two suitcases to unpack and its midnight! I just want to thank everyone in my life who has made this past semester happen! I love you all and will keep you up to date on how my break goes! 
Stephanie xxx

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